Having just arrived in Ikebukuro by train, Ryuugamine Mikado has come to Tokyo to attend high school. He is met by his old friend Kida Masaomi who he hasn’t seen since elementary school, but they’ve kept in touch online. Mikado is amazed by the sights of Ikebukuro, and as Masaomi shows him around, Masaomi explains that recently there’s been a decrease of the famed color gangs, though it’s still not entirely safe. Along the way, they run into some of Masaomi’s acquaintances, mainly Yumasaki Walker and Karisawa Erika, who are on their way back from buying a bunch of light novels. Afterward, Masaomi and Mikado pass by a girl, not knowing that this same girl would get kidnapped a short while later. They also come across a large black man that Masaomi recognizes as Simon Brezhnev who is trying to attract customers to a sushi shop. Masaomi warns Mikado not to make an enemy of Simon, and he also warns Mikado against getting close to a man named Heiwajima Shizuo.
Meanwhile, the kidnappers of the girl from before are confronted in a parking garage by a person wearing all black on a black motorcycle. This person is able to defeat one kidnapper by slamming his head into a concrete pillar with the motorcycle and then withstands being tasered by another before beating him up. When the third kidnapper tries to flee by car, the black motorcycle rider gives chase, but because the motorcycle follows too closely, the kidnapper is able to slam on the brakes and cause a collision. The motorcyclist goes flying, but what shocks the last kidnapper when he goes to see the aftermath is the fact that the black motorcycle rider has no head. Despite this, the rider is still able to move and pulls out a scythe from the shadows to slice the kidnapper. Back where the crowds are, Masaomi continues to tell Mikado of people he should watch out for, including someone named Orihara Izaya and the Dollars guys. While they’re talking, Mikado accidentally bumps into a girl, and when he checks to see if she’s okay, Mikado notices an odd scar around her neck. When the girl regains her senses though, she runs away in fear. Masaomi thinks that Mikado is lucky with all the people he’s met and everything that’s happened since he got here, and to cap things off, the two of them hear and see the urban legend, the black motorcycle rider, pass by.
ada gambarnya ga?
BalasHapusEvelyn 9b
ada kok... tenang aja...
BalasHapuskoq info nya dkit bnget sih???
BalasHapusdtambahin dong...biar lbh rame n bgus...
diupdate yah..biar gw taw anime2 yg laen...
tambahin lagi dong brita nya biar kita bisa tau anime anime yg lagi oke skrg2 ini :D
crtany lgkap ..
BalasHapustmbhin gmbar-gmbar sdkit biar jdi mnarik ..
haha ..
stefanie 9c
yup btul! tambahin gmbr di stiap postingan aja jdi keren! apalagi gmbr2 anime kn justru bagus2 tuh!
BalasHapusbtw, tuh skolah bruntung amat ya! yg di tokyo itu mksud gw. iy kn? mpe didatengin sgala lge!
-blup blupp-
Apa reviewnya sudah lengkap
BalasHapusAlmost good... buat lbih kren lagy
BalasHapusby: ivan kur